Ribbit Rob Live hijacks Crystal Rose's TikTok

Ribbit Rob Live hijacks Crystal Rose's TikTok

Show notes

Topics discussed:

  1. Ribbit Rob has friends everywhere
  2. Arkansas bans Some Woke language
  3. The current Crazy environment
  4. Ribbit Rob wants to add a striper Pole to the studio and for Crystal Rose to start Onlyfans
  5. Ribbit Rob rhymes Day time soaps titles cause he cant predict future
  7. The Hamas Israel Conflict everyone going badshit crazy and Gas prices
  8. Baby born Durring an NFL Game

Links mentioned in this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIFJ5CJaJes https://www.instagram.com/rangelolamar/

This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm

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