Dealing with Social anxiety disorder during the holiday season Audio of Youtube Live streams from 11/24/23

Dealing with Social anxiety disorder during the holiday season Audio of Youtube Live streams from 11/24/23

Social anxiety disorder

Show notes

Topics discussed:

  1. Black Friday in Retail made me crazy!!!
  2. Baby Sister saves the day/wanting to have a small quiet Thanksgiving
  3. Plan for best but prepare for the worse
  4. Dealing with Social anxiety disorder during the holiday season
  5. Family be More Acceptable Towards Mental Illness
  6. More Love for Baby Sister Should be my job to protect and help her
  7. Extended Live views 11/24/2023 10 am
  8. Ribbit Media Update
  9. NFL's First Black Friday Game? Only Amazon could do it!
  10. Chicago Bears let me down again! giving up 11 points with only a few mins Left
  11. The Oakland A's Move in 2028 what will they do until then.

Links mentioned in this episode: video of the first 6 Segments video of the last 5 Segments

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